Saturday 1 June 2013

Hello everyone

Hi everyone,

In this blog I will talk about nature, about micro and macro biology, basically about everything that is related to nature, which from my point of view that is everything. All comes from nature and all will go back to it.

Main topic is nature, with a lot of science :D And sometimes my opinion about other topics that cross our world. I will try, though, to be as objective as possible. And if I do want to give my opinion, I will put it at the beginning or the end of the post (or even do a second post with the same name but with "opinion" added to it). Since my mind is more to the scientific side, I think I will start by saying the facts, and if I have something to add about what I think I will do it at the end (and try to make it clear that it is what I think and not what is general knowledge).

I will try to write in a way that everyone understand. Mostly because my english vocabulary is really simple (I do not use that many "fancy words" when talking or writing), but also because I think this can one day be helpful to a student that is having difficulties understanding something in the Biology subject and need some internet help :)

I will be starting in September my first year of Biology in the University. I will write summaries (when I can) and I will upload them here. I would really like to receive your comments if you have anything to add, or if you do not agree with something, or if you have doubts about something.
All the comments will be read and I will makes the necessary changes to the post.

I do not know how many uploads I will make each day/week/month, but there will be less movement before I start College and, of course, during College in the exam period.

Ohh yeaah, and if I do a trip to anywhere I will also write my experience here. I am Portuguese, lived two year in Barcelona (Spain) and am now living in Holland (where I will study Biology). But where I really want to go it to Indonesia, to see the Orangutans! Ohhh they are my favorite animal. They are simply amazing and I want to go there one day and just contemplate them, study them in their natural habitat. And when I do, I will tell you all about it :D

I also hope that one day you can see me on a National Geographic, Discovery Channel and/or BBC documentary :) I will go back into the wild. I will learn from tribes, from animals... I will literally live the wild life. Maybe it is just a youth dream, but I really do hope that it is not the case.

Well, I have to go now.

See you again soon :) As soon as I can, I promise.